Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Have We Always Been the Same Person?

 Thinking back to when I was a kid seems almost like another lifetime, or was it? Saying I am the same person that I was back when I was ten to now, being 20, just doesn't make sense to me. I have changed. My personality as well as physical characteristics of myself are not the same as they were. Although, one part of me believes that deep inside I am still that little girl when I was ten. I think this can get fairly confusing when thinking of our past and future compared to who we are right now. Are the memories I have of myself as a child really from past experiences, or are they from people telling me of past events that I now have drilled into my brain. Frankly I do not know. 

After reading Perry's article I was left with so many questions, because I was exposed to a wide variety of different perspectives. They can't all be true, or can they? When I think about survival, I don't have a definitive answer, however I would have to say that my personal views fir most with Weirob. I think this because how can one say that we live on if there is no proof, and frankly I don't understand the importance of ones soul. Just because our sould may live on doesn't necessarily mean that we do.  I would like to think that when I die that this isn't the end for me but who knows. I am a person who tends to see things as black and white, I like facts not what ifs, so this is very troubling for me. If I believe that my death is not the end then where does that place me in the future? From a different perspective I like to think that family member who have already passed are still there looking out and watching over me. If I believe that to be true then that must mean we do survive, maybe not in the same body but we live on. Somehow a part of them would still have to be themselves from their past lives. At the end of the day I don't think I will every get a definitive answer to my questions, and that will have to be okay. For me, whatever happens happens. 




  1. I agree I don’t think we’re the same person that we were when we were little. As the years go on we change from experience and new knowledge we gain. In some aspects we can be the same, but we’re not really. Life changes us and we grow both physically and mentally. I personally believe in past lives so when we die I do think that we’ll be reincarnated as someone else.

    1. Thank you for commenting! I don't physically understand how we could possible be the same person that we were when we were 10. However, I like your perspective on reincarnation, that definitely gives be something to think about.

  2. Hi Lauryn!

    I was really stuck by a new perspective that you shared that did not occur to me when I was writing my questions, answers, blog, and the other response. Can all of the theories and perspectives be true at the same time? This would mean that survival is completely subjective, which fits the narrative that Perry is discussing incredibly. There is no one theory that is "correct." So, perhaps we need to look at survival through a completely different lens, and maybe life can be placed on an evolving continuum where life and death are simply points along it. "Surviving" can just be an interpretation of consciousness.

    1. I'm not entirely sure how to edit a comment, but I meant "struck," not "stuck."

  3. You’re blog post was great. It really opened my mind to your different perspectives on life and survival. Being 10 years old again would be nice, but as we grow we learn and we adapt to new changes, big and small, that mold us into adults


Philosophy & Death

 After first reading the article I would have to say that I found some of the views quite different from my personal views on life and death...